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Approximate location of the Gloomspires.

The Gloomspires are a collection of rocky spires that rise from the Arcadian Ocean. They are located due south of Mediogalti Island, north-northwest of the Shackles, and southwest of the Eye of Abendego.1


The Gloomspires were created during the Age of Serpents by the Makers, the common name given to a poorly-understood species of humanoid sorcerers who fled to Golarion as refugees from a nightmarish realm where they were enslaved. Scholars disagree whether they fled here from another continent, another planet, or another plane.2134

The Makers are thought to have been powerful wielders of magic as evidenced by the incredibly potent enchantments that can still be encountered in the Gloomspires thousands of years after their creation.3 Their civilization seems to have died out or left the area before the rise of the cyclops Ghol-Gan empire at the end of the Age of Serpents.5 Only two Makers are known to have "survived" to the present as undead: the mated pair Tzur-Vaal and Aluu-Nekva, who haunted the Gloomspires until very recently.6


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