Messida Vost

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Messida Voss
Messida Vost

Dean of Summoning
Zarthorask (gongorinan)
Source: Rival Academies, pg(s). 106

As of 4725 AR, Messida Vost is the Dean of Summoning at the Acadamae in Korvosa.

Contrary to the devil binding practiced by the majority of the Acadamae, Vost specialized in the binding of qlippoth, and kept a gongorinan called Zarthorask bound to her.1

Six Schools' Convocation

Although the Acadamae was not among the six main academies sponsoring the Six Schools' Convocation called by the Academy of the Reclamation in Nerosyan, Mendev, Voss was sent as their representative. She proposed training students at the Academy of the Reclamation in the art of qlippoth binding in order to help eliminate the demonic remnants in the Sarkoris Scar.1


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  1. 1.0 1.1 Joshua Birdsong, et al. Messida Vost” in Rival Academies, 106. Paizo Inc., 2025