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Rival Academies

From PathfinderWiki

Rival Academies, a Pathfinder Lost Omens sourcebook written by Joshua Birdsong, Sharang Biswas, Jeremy Blum, Jessica Catalan, Carlos Cisco, Aoife Ester, Laura Lynn Horst, Stephanie Lundeen, Mahpiya, Andrew Mullen, Collette Quach, Mikhail Rekun, Erin Roberts, Mark Seifter, Navaar Seik-Jackson, Shahreena Shahrani, Kendra Leigh Speedling, Gina Susanna, Tan Shao Han, Esther Wallace, and Landon Winkler, was released on March 5, 2025.

School is in Session!

Journey to the edge of demon-ravaged lands to learn ancient magical secrets, fey philosophies, bleeding-edge theories on reanimating flesh, and the lore of academies from across the world and beyond! See the universities from the eyes of their students and meet dozens of luminaries with their own agendas, research, and visions for these recovering lands. Whether players build bonds with classmates, clash with rivals, or spend their time far from the event, they'll have character options to represent their school's teachings, from spycraft and wizardry to martial arts and the rites of forgotten gods.


Welcome to the Convocation
pp. 4–19
Welcome Letter
pp. 10–10
Introduction to the Sponsors
pp. 20–23
Convocation Backgrounds
pp. 22–23
pp. 24–35

Represented by Telva Renn

pp. 28–29
p. 30
Reclamation Wizards
pp. 32–33
pp. 34–35
pp. 36–47

Represented by Zemnaïdé

pp. 40–41
p. 42
p. 43
pp. 44–45
pp. 46–47
pp. 48–59

Represented by Jarn Lesantillo

pp. 52–53
p. 54
Performance Items
pp. 56–57
pp. 58–59
pp. 60–71

Represented by Nsentiah

pp. 64–65
p. 66
Storytelling Spells
pp. 70–71
pp. 72–83

Represented by Kitaja

pp. 76–77
pp. 80–81
pp. 82–83
pp. 84–95

Represented by Kateriyana de Rijiene

pp. 88–89
p. 91
pp. 92–93
Lepidstadt Surgeon
pp. 94–95
pp. 96–111
p. 100

Representing the Halls of Revelation in Iblydos

p. 101

Representing the Bloodstone Conservatory in Irrisen

p. 102

Representing the Academy of the Sublime in Axis

p. 103

Representing the Hall of Lambent Oaths in Thuvia

p. 104

Representing the Proving Grounds of Oprak

p. 105

Representing the Dacilane Academy in Absalom

p. 106

Representing the Acadamae in Korvosa, Varisia

p. 108

Representing the Indraracha Institute in Tang Mai

p. 109
p. 110

Representing the Arcanamirium in Absalom

p. 111

Representing the Synostosis Academy in Yled, Geb

pp. 112–119
Runelord Archetype
pp. 114–116
pp. 117–119
Running the Convocation
pp. 120–123
Glossary & Index
pp. 124–126