4725 AR
Age of Lost Omens | ||||||||||
4720 | 4721 | 4722 | 4723 | 4724 | 4725 AR | 4726 | 4727 | 4728 | 4729 | 4730 |
4725 AR in organizations
- The first Six Schools' Convocation was hosted by the Academy of the Reclamation in Nerosyan, which lasted several months.1
- 4725 AR is the current year on Golarion according to Absalom Reckoning.
- In the Imperial Calendar, this year is designated as 7225 IC.
The year 4725 AR corresponds to Paizo products published in 2025. Corresponding Absalom Reckoning dates for events in those products are estimated from their publication date (unless the events are intentionally set in the setting's past or production is delayed).
- ↑ “Welcome to the Convocation” in Rival Academies, 5. Paizo Inc., 2025 .