The above-cited blog post was written by members of the Paizo team not associated with canon or rules creation and should not be considered official material.—Yoda8myhead (talk) 21:25, 15 April 2015 (UTC)
Bother Llod, god of greed, hoarding, and unfair deals. During battle of Rovagug, was Heist Primeval, Abadar somehow convinced mortal consensus of reality that Llod was not real during Age of Serpents, causing him to slowly unrave over centuries, until he and many things relating to his influence disappeared with Abadar taking on the chaos and his portfolio, though few rare or hidden records still exist. 27, 28
Main article 34-37
Close relation with Asmodeus 44, Caydenites disliked by Abadar church 52 84,85, strained friends with Erastil 60, At odds with Gozreh but mostly ignore 37, 64, Iomedae kinship 68, 116, Irori friendly with church 72, Dislikes Norgorber but Duskfathom is under Aktun district 37, 85, Rovagug biggest enemy 37, 114, enemies with lamashtu 37, Torag Respect 104, hate Urgathoa 108, imprisoned Zon-Kuthon but not seeking grudge 110, 113, House Thrune rise and Shelyn speak with Abadar 116, has many allies 116 Grandmother spider feud with abadar 122, dislike Desmara 130, Talons of the Godclaw 244, 245, Proghecies of Kalistrade 248, Mortal Heralds 278, Oracle Myseries 284, Witch Patrons 296
Travel Guide Abadius 6 20 Abadar’s church trade the church of Asmodeus and the Hellknights 32 Few mortals understand how church interest rates are set 32 minting currency 32 Justiciars of Abadar devise to detect conjuration magic 32 Rise in popularity Abadar and Shelyn reinvested humans in architecture after Azlant fall 51 weddings 89 The Deliberate Journey 92 Offering Plate 94 Urban Prosperity 95 Waste disposal 97 --Stejo (talk) 15:05, 3 March 2025 (UTC)