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First Mate and Sailing Master
Druid 6 (urban druid)
Source: Ships of the Inner Sea, pg(s). 25

The samsaran druid Narava serves as both first mate and sailing master on Hu-Hazhong, a merchant vessel from Tian Xia on a journey to deliver its treasures to the Inner Sea.1

Narava is a longtime companion of Captain Sironu. They served together in the court of Lord Yaobai, a powerful Lingshenese noble. The kitsune Sironu was the court alchemist while Narava's wind magic ensured safe passage through her lord's ports. They soon became fast friends. Sironu's dream was to amass wealth and power while Narava's dream was to follow in the footsteps of her past lives and explore the world. They found the opportunity to fulfill their dreams when Lord Yaobai commissioned seven trading vessels as gifts to his seven children. Sironu and Narava pooled their savings and made Hu, the lord's youngest son, an offer to buy his ship. Hu had no taste for sea travel and he had accrued some gambling debts, so he readily accepted their offer.1


  1. โ†‘ 1.0 1.1 Benjamin Bruck, et al. โ€œHu-Hazhongโ€ in Ships of the Inner Sea, 25. Paizo Inc., 2014