Noria Arephion
Noria Arephion is the owner of the popular Two Waters Tavern in the town of Ilsurian in Varisia. Every day, many ships put in at the town just for the chance to stop in at Two Waters Tavern. Noria Arephion keeps a welcoming atmosphere, and serves anyone who can pay. She dislikes racist natives who grumble about Varisians or shiver addicts coming in. Any troublemakers get dealt with by Noria's regulars, usually Willik Brandeboyd or Vesperia Corsicare. Some people whisper that they used to all be members of the same river pirate crew before settling in Ilsurian. Noria carries an unmatched selection of ales, wines, and spirits, due to her secret agreement with the dock-hands. They guarantee that Noria gets first pick when shipments of alcohol come through, and she guarantees they get free drinks of the best beverages. Noria uses mugs with the Two Waters' seal and lends them out to townsfolk and Noria's mugs are a common sight all over town.1
- โ โIlsurianโ in Towns of the Inner Sea, 29. Paizo Inc., 2013 .