
From PathfinderWiki
(Magic item)

Item Level (2E)
Item 20
Usage (2E)
Held in 1 hand
Source: The Apocalypse Prophet, pg(s). 74
No alignment is provided for Piereta in the cited source. Archives of Nethys, a non-canon source, includes the trait in line with Iomedae's alignment but does not cite a source that contains the trait.

Piereta is a powerful holy rapier aligned to the tenets of Iomedae, especially valorous actions and the protection of the innocent.1

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Piereta, a Knight of Ozem serving Aroden's herald Arazni during the Shining Crusade, became Iomedae's first paladin after Arazni was killed by Tar-Baphon. Piereta was later killed in battle, and her rapier retained part of Piereta's spirit, gained sentience, and named itself Piereta.1


Piereta is selective in choosing a wielder, preferring Iomedaeans and other good deities of law and neutrality but requiring convincing of a cause's righteousness if wielded by others. She either forces those she rejects to release her or refuses to grant the powers of her magical runes and impedes any attempts to use her in combat.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Kevin Bryan, et al. “Adventure Toolbox” in The Apocalypse Prophet, 74–75. Paizo Inc., 2020