Prophet Kings

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Prophet Kings

Claim the Starstone
Source: Guide to Absalom, pg(s). 24 (1E)
Absalom, City of Lost Omens, pg(s). 21 (2E)

The Prophet Kings were little known antagonists who besieged the city of Absalom in 1298 AR in what became to be known as the Siege of Prophets. Although their forces were able to penetrate the eastern Postern Gate, they were not able to breach the city.1

The Prophet Kings were five tyrants of the Scorched Coast in northern Garund, and were driven by a prophecy that they believed had aligned them and guided them to power. After being ousted from their own lands by local rebellions, they took their armies to Absalom on the basis of the same prophecy in order to claim the Starstone.

Two never reached the city, with Valigar Seven-Sword's army falling in the Dunmire and Garial the Thankless defeated by inlanders of the Isle of Kortos and dwarves of Galizhur north of Diobel. Egrizail, Xcaril, and Zerishar laid siege to Absalom for months, and in their climactic action breached the Postern Gate before Zerishar was killed and the rest were driven back.

The First Guard pursued the survivors across the Scrape and into the island until centaurs and the terrain reduced their numbers to no longer be a threat. The few who remained, including the two surviving Prophet Kings, sought shelter on the Isle of Erran, where the clergy of Aroden secretly allowed them to settle on the otherwise restricted island's northern reaches.2


As of 4720 AR, tombs of the Prophet Kings remained in their settled area of the Isle of Erran.2


  1. Owen K.C. Stephens. “Places” in Guide to Absalom, 24. Paizo Inc., 2008
  2. 2.0 2.1 Erik Mona, et al. Absalom” in Absalom, City of Lost Omens, 21. Paizo Inc., 2021