
From PathfinderWiki
For other meanings of "Seal", please see Seal (disambiguation).

The Seal is a legendary location that was purportedly from a prior reality, and it is the place from which legends claim Pharasma created the current multiverse.12


Tales of the creation of reality in the Windsong Testaments and Concordance of Rivals agree on little, but both describe how Pharasma was this reality's first deity, having emerged into the current reality as the sole survivor of a previous reality. They also agree that she arrived upon a platform called the Seal, the sole remnant of that previous reality, and that it served as the center of all creation as initiated and designed by her.12

Concordance of Rivals describes the Seal as being the center of reality, around which Pharasma wove the Inner Sphere to protect it from the extraplanar beings known only as Those Who Remain, and within which sparked this reality's new forms of life.1

The Windsong Testaments describes the Seal as a platform, upon which Pharasma walked a spiral from its center. Her steps created the Outer and Inner Spheres, as well as the first deities. The Seal itself grew with Pharasma's First Walk to create the Spire from which she would judge all souls.

The Testaments also claim that at some point after the beginning of mortal life and death, Pharasma lost track of the Seal, which had disappeared and left behind only a featureless nothingness. She then realized that it would be her task to recreate the Seal for the next cycle of reality when this reality's time would come to an end.2


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 John Compton, et al. “The Creation of the Multiverse” in Concordance of Rivals, 2–3. Paizo Inc., 2019
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 James Jacobs. The Windsong Testaments: The Three Fears of Pharasma. Paizo blog, 2019