
From PathfinderWiki
A sepid div in battle.

Sepids are a particularly brutal type of div. They are often immensely powerful, and are considered brutal tyrants even on their daemonic home plane of Abaddon.1

Appearance and abilities

Sepids have a gigantic humanoid frame, standing around 13 feet in height, and are heavily muscled, weighing upwards of 1,500 pounds. Their skin, callused and covered in spines and spikes, is typically alabaster in color. A sepid's face is fiendish, and its head is ringed with a crown of four horns curved like meat hooks, with a mouth full of sharp, filed teeth. The eyes contain no iris or pupil, giving them a particularly unnerving gaze.12

An angry sepid is a force to be reckoned with. Sepids are not only gifted with a powerful physique and martial abilities, but are also capable spellcasters with the ability to rain down a hail of debris on opponents.1

Ecology and habitat

Sepids originate in the depths of Abaddon, generally inhabiting ash-choked fortresses, slime-coated towers, and similarly intimidating locations. When on the Universe, sepids favor deep caves and abandoned fortresses or castles, especially those tinged with notoriety.1

On Golarion

Sepids are particularly common in northern Garund, especially around the ruined city el-Amara in Osirion, which is overseen by the sepid general Karesh-Ekhial.3


On their home plane of Abaddon, sepids act like tyrannical warlords, bullying lesser divs into obedience. Because of their natural talents, sepids are often employed by more powerful fiends as generals or warlords.1

On Golarion, sepids use their skills in much the same way they do on Abaddon, bullying nearby communities into obedience. Typically, a sepid will demand a regular sacrifice from a weaker community, gradually increasing the size of the sacrifice until the community itself is destroyed. They have also gained a reputation for kidnapping, targeting poorly-guarded, beautiful women. In reality, kidnapping is the last resort for a sepid; it would rather trick or parley a paramour into agreeing to come with it, and will use force only if all else fails.1

The great weakness of sepids is a love of deceit. Because they adore breaking their word, they are reliably treacherous creatures. If a sepid gives a person two options, it is guaranteed that it will do the opposite of the option the person chose. This predictability can be manipulated, much to the annoyance of the sepid.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Adam Daigle & Greg A. Vaughan. “Bestiary” in The Impossible Eye, 84–85. Paizo Inc., 2009
  2. Jason Bulmahn, et al. “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary 3, 89. Paizo Inc., 2011
  3. Wolfgang Baur, et al. “Ancient Osirion” in Lost Kingdoms, 17–18. Paizo Inc., 2012