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Canon status

In Divine Mysteries Web Supplement 15, Lorthact is listed in the "In Memoriam (Other dead, missing, or unaccounted for gods)" section. He is not listed in that section in the similar appendix table of Divine Mysteries, nor anywhere else in that book. I couldn't find any recent text that has updated Lorthact's canon state to indicate he is dead, missing, or otherwise indisposed. -Oznogon (talk) 01:13, 27 February 2025 (UTC)

it maybe referring to how he faked his death and pretending to be Volshyenek Ornelos for a time in Guide to Korvosa, though that article makes it clear and gives dates. Would be on the look out in Rival Academies how his plot involving Acadamae continues. Though interviews said book is written from in universe attendants so Lorthact is unlikely To be directly name dropped. —-Stejo (talk) 02:29, 27 February 2025 (UTC)
I think it more likely refers to Lorthact's fate in Shadows at Sundown, whom the PCs face in combat and either kill or "force into a humiliating flight from Korvosa". -Oznogon (talk) 03:34, 27 February 2025 (UTC)