Volshyenek Ornelos

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Volshyenek Ornelos

Eternal Lord
Immortal Lord
Human (Chelaxian)
4493 AR (age 95)
4607 AR (age 209)
Source: Guide to Korvosa, pg(s). 60
See also: Lorthact

Lord Volshyenek Ornelos was an important figure in the early history of the Varisian city of Korvosa1 and founder of its Acadamae.23

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Born into House Ornelos, an ancient and wealthy Chelaxian noble family, Volshyenek relocated his estate and family to Korvosa upon losing the favor of the imperial court in Westcrown. Fearing old age, the wizard made an infernal pact with the devil Lorthact to stop his aging. Volshyenek was tricked, however, and realized too late that, although he no longer aged, he was not immortal.1

He founded the Acadamae in 4473 AR. Volshyenek was a conjurer, and the Acadamae is renowned for its studies in conjuration; its students are required to pass a strict exam in the school before graduating.2

Volshyenek died of old age in 4493 AR, whereupon his identity was taken over by Lorthact. The devil continued living under this assumed identity until 4607 AR, when he was forced to abandon it.1


A statue of Volshyenek stands in Korvosa near the Acadamae.4


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  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mike McArtor. “Chapter 5: Secrets” in Guide to Korvosa, 60–61. Paizo Inc., 2008
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Brian Cortijo. “Appendix 1: The Acadamae” in Academy of Secrets, 28. Paizo Inc., 2011
  3. ↑ Dave Gross. Lord of Runes. Tor Books, 2015 Ch. 1
  4. ↑ Dave Gross. Lord of Runes. Tor Books, 2015 Ch. 1
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Shadows at Sundown25 May 2022