
From PathfinderWiki

Map location

The geography of the Lake of Mists and Veils, and Orlov's position within it, conflicts between published sources.

  • Campaign Setting 154 and Inner Sea World Guide 205 both describe Orlov as the "old coastal capital" of Iobaria.
  • The Varnhold Vanishing 58 depicts Orlov as being on the shore of the Lake of Mists and Veils in western Iobaria. The northeastern part of the lake is depicted as a large unnamed bay, with Orlov on a peninsula on the southwestern shore of the bay, Franax on the eastern shore, and Okormirr on the northern shore. The mouth of the Ardshrod River empties to the northwest beyond the bay. Okorrost is connected to Orlov to the south by road and is positioned on the Okorrus River, which is north and east of the Storith Wood.
  • The world map used in World Guide and other Lost Omens products depicts the shape and size of the Lake of Mists and Veils in a manner that is irreconcilably inconsistent with these prior sources, making their positions difficult to translate.
  • They Watched the Stars 76 positions Orlov in northeastern Brevoy, on Claw Point. The map does not depict Storith Wood, the Okorrus River, or Okorrost; depicts the eastern shore of the Lake of Mists and Veils as a more longitudinally-shaped coast with more but smaller bays; and depicts Franax as being southwest of Okormirr along that shore, and Okormirr as being on the mouth of the Ardshrod River. The shape of the Lake is more compatible with the Lost Omens-era world map, but the map contains several other labeling errors and positional inconsistencies that make it potentially unreliable, and its depiction of Orlov as being in Brevoy is inconsistent with published canon text.

The position of Orlov on PathfinderWiki is a compromise based on its relative position and description in prior works, pending a reliable map of the area that conforms to the Lost Omens-era world map. -Oznogon (talk) 20:34, 21 June 2024 (UTC)