Tarkdok Manyspears

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Tarkdok Manyspears

Source: Dwarves of Golarion, pg(s). 9 (1E)
Highhelm, pg(s). 14 (2E)

Tarkdok Manyspears was the warmaster of orcs occupying the Five Kings Mountains in the 33rd century AR. His warband was defeated by dwarves at the Battle of Splitmist Pass in 3279 AR, and he was killed by the dwarven leader Khadon the Mighty. The defeat ended Khadon's 82-year campaign against the orcs and 700 years of orc occupation of the Five Kings Mountains.1 The dwarves put Tarkdok's corpse on display as a warning against further orc incursions.23


The ancient magma dragon, Moschabbatt, prizes a helm of fearsome mien in his hoard that resembles Tarkdok Manyspears.4


  1. Piper Amatrudi, et al. “Chapter 1: Introduction” in Highhelm, 14. Paizo Inc., 2023
  2. David Eitelbach, et al. Dwarves of Golarion” in Dwarves of Golarion, 9. Paizo Inc., 2009
  3. Logan Bonner, et al. “Adventure Toolbox” in Hellknight Hill, 75. Paizo Inc., 2019
  4. Savannah Broadway, et al. Moschabbatt (Ancient Magma Dragon)” in Dragons Unleashed, 35. Paizo Inc., 2013