
From PathfinderWiki
Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)
Subpages of this template:

{{City}} is for use in any article about an active settlement of any size (from Thorp to Metropolis) in the Pathfinder campaign setting. Ruins or any other form of uninhabited settlement should be classified as a "location". Nearly all parameters are optional and can be left blank, though it is preferred to include as many as possible; if undefined, these optional parameters will not appear as part of the template.

In certain cases where this template is used for a city-associated element rather than the main city itself, the parenthetical subtitle in the infobox may be changed from "(City)" to a more appropriate alternative title. For example, to change the infobox's parenthetical subtitle to "(City district)", insert the following line into the template. If "(City)" is fine, this change should not be made.

| ibtype       = City district

This template is based upon the Person Template located at the Forgotten Realms Wiki.


| image        = 
| name         = 
| titles       = 
| plane        = 
| world        = 
| nation       = 
| region       = 
| capital      = 
| level        = 
| traits       = 
| size         = 
| population   = 
| demographics = 
| government   = 
| alignment    = 
| natives      = 
| adjective    = 
| ruler        = 
| leader       = 
| latlong      = 
| mapzoom      =
| imagesof     = 

source and page to cite either First or Second Edition only, but not both:

| source       = 
| page         = 

1e- and 2e-source and page to cite both First and Second Edition simultaneously:

| 1e-source    = 
| 1e-page      = 
| 2e-source    = 
| 2e-page      = 
The name of the settlement. This should be the name by which the settlement is most commonly known.
image (optional)
An image representing the settlement. This can either be a depiction of the skyline, a house or neighborhood, its inhabitants, or its flag or symbol. Should be given without [[]] or any settings.
titles (optional)
Any titles, nicknames, or pseudonyms of the settlement.
plane (optional)
The plane on which the settlement can be found, if it is located outside the Material Plane.
world (optional)
The celestial body on which the settlement can be found, if it is not located on Golarion.
nation (optional)
The country in which the settlement can be found. If the settlement is located below ground, one should enter "Darklands" here.
region (optional)
Any land or region smaller than the collective region listed above in which the settlement can be found (e.g. state, county, barony, etc). If the settlement is below ground, this should refer to the layer of the Darklands (i.e. Nar-Voth, Sekamina, or Orv) in which the settlement can be found.
capital (optional)
Specify yes only if this city is the capital of its country. Other values might be invalid. Defaults to no. It's OK to omit this if the settlement is not a capital.
level (optional)
The settlement's level, introduced in 2E, represents the settlement's relative size and economic capacity, and is found on the top line of a settlement's stat block next to the settlement's name. It's OK to omit this if there is not a statblock for the settlement in 2E.
traits (optional)
The settlement's traits, introduced in 2E, represent certain mechanical classifications for the settlement and are found in the color-coded horizontal list near the top of a settlement's stat block. Use the correct 2e trait box, such as {{2eTrait|Town}} for
in this line: see the example. These boxes are shown at the top of the infobox.It's OK to omit this if there is not a statblock for the settlement in 2E.
size (optional)
The settlement's population range category as defined on p. 203 of the GameMastery Guide and p. 212 of Ultimate Campaign. These categories break down as follows:
population (optional)
The current total number of inhabitants.
demographics (optional)
The demographic breakdown of the settlement's population, either by percentage or total numbers.
government (optional)
The settlement's type of government as defined on pp. 206-207 of the GameMastery Guide and p. 231 of Ultimate Campaign, and defined as follows:
  • Anarchy (no formal government)
  • Autocracy (rule by single individual chosen by the people)
  • Council (rule by a group)
  • Magical or Magocracy (leadership by people of great magical power)
  • Oligarchy (rule by a group of the wealthy and powerful)
  • Overlord (single, unelected ruler who achieved power through heredity or overthrow of government)
  • Republic (rule by a parliamentary body of elected or appointed officials)
  • Secret Syndicate (rule by illegal or unofficial group)
  • Theocracy (rule by leader of the most prominent religion)
alignment (optional)
The settlement's overall alignment, representative of its government or inhabitants, if known.
natives (optional)
The demonym for the city: the word used to describe a native of the city.
adjective (optional)
The adjective used to describe entities of or pertaining or relating to the city.
ruler (optional)
The name of the settlement's head of government, either an individual or collective.
leader (optional)
The name or names of other important figures in the community.
latlong (optional)
The settlement's latitude and longitude coordinates, as two decimal numbers separated by a comma and points west and south of Absalom having negative values. (For instance, Absalom's latlong value is around 35.4157, 0, and Magnimar's is 48.1813, -28.0538.)
To find the correct values for latlong just go to the map, right click on the correct point and press "Copy Lat/Long".
These values are collected by a bot and compiled into data for the Maping project, which then places the city on that project's map as a pin. The infobox's population and capital parameters determine the size and type of settlement pin appears on the map. For technical reasons, a new or relocated pin can take as long as 14 hours to appear on the map.
Infoboxes that have a latlong value and also omit the regionmap parameter also automatically generate a locator map for the settlement centered on its coordinates, with a default zoom level of 7. To change the zoom level, use the mapzoom parameter.
In rare situations where this map needs to be hidden or overridden, use the regionmap parameter.
mapzoom (optional)
Sets the zoom level of the locator map that is automatically created when the latlong parameter has a value. If the regionmap parameter is included, it overrides this value.
regionmap (deprecated and preferably omitted)
Defines a map of the countryside surrounding the settlement, overriding the locator map displayed by using the preferred latlong and mapzoom parameters.
This can be:
  • an image, which are almost always fan-created (thanks, Aeakett!)
  • a map template, such as a manually defined {{DisplayMap}}
  • left blank, which prevents any map from being displayed in the infobox
This parameter is deprecated in favor of using the latlong and mapzoom parameters, and should not be included in City templates unless it is absolutely necessary to hide or override the automatically generated map.
imagesof (optional)
The name of the category that contains images of this city, which appears in the infobox as a link to the category page. For instance, an imagesof value of Korvosa creates a link to Category:Images of Korvosa with the link text "Images of Korvosa". This parameter is case-sensitive. If this parameter is omitted, the infobox uses the article name suffixed by a single "s".
source & page (optional)
The source wherein the settlement was first mentioned, or from which the most information is available. Link the title, and include page number if possible. Use this only if you have a source and page for either 1E or 2E, but not both.
1e-source, 1e-page, 2e-source, & 2e-page (optional)
The source wherein the settlement was first mentioned, or from which the most information is available, in both 1E and 2E. Link the title, and include page number if possible. Use this only if you have a source and page for both editions.
Using latlong with regionmap empty or set to Template:DisplayMap is preferred.


| image        = File:Absalom symbol.webp
| name         = Absalom
| titles       = City at the Center of the World, Patchwork City, City of Buried Treasures, Jewel of the Inner Sea
| plane        = 
| world        = 
| nation       = Absalom
| region       = 
| capital      = yes
| level        = 20
| traits       = {{2eTrait|N}}{{2eTrait|Metropolis}}
| size         = [[:Category:Metropolises|Metropolis]]
| population   = 306,900
| demographics = 62% [[human]], 11% [[halfling]], 8% [[half-elf]], 7% [[gnome]], 5% [[dwarf]], 2% [[elf]], 1% [[goblin]], 1% [[dromaar]], 3% other ancestries
| government   = Conventional (Grand Council)
| alignment    = [[Neutral]]
| natives      = Absalomians
| adjective    = Absalom
| ruler        = [[Lord Gyr|Lord Gyr of House Gixx]]
| leader       = 
| latlong      = 30.8886260, -0.2343082
| mapzoom      = 10
| imagesof     = Absalom
| 1e-source    = [[The Inner Sea World Guide]]
| 1e-page      = 38–41
| 2e-source    = [[Absalom, City of Lost Omens]]
| 2e-page      = 6

which becomes:


City at the Center of the World, Patchwork City, City of Buried Treasures, Jewel of the Inner Sea
62% human, 11% halfling, 8% half-elf, 7% gnome, 5% dwarf, 2% elf, 1% goblin, 1% dromaar, 3% other ancestries
Conventional (Grand Council)
Source: The Inner Sea World Guide, pg(s). 38–41 (1E)
Absalom, City of Lost Omens, pg(s). 6 (2E)