
From PathfinderWiki

Source: War of Immortals, pg(s). 60–61

This article covers a topic relevant to Pathfinder Second Edition. For the Pathfinder First Edition equivalent, see bloodrager (class).

Bloodragers are barbarians who harvest blood from their foes to empower magical abilities.12.

On Golarion

In Casmaron, divine entities grant the powers of their own blood to aid mortals in combat against their enemies.

In Ustalav, cloaked ministers ritualistically use the blood of extraplanar entities to empower their followers.

In Varisia, Shoanti of the Skoan-Quah use stored blood of fallen warriors to gain their powers, recover lost knowledge, or carry their presence with them into battle.3

Known bloodragers


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  1. Michael Sayre. War of Immortals: Old Friends and New Faces. Paizo blog, 2024
  2. James Case, et al. Bloodrager Class Archetype” in War of Immortals, 60–61. Paizo Inc., 2024
  3. 3.0 3.1 James Case, et al. Bloodrager Class Archetype” in War of Immortals, 60. Paizo Inc., 2024