Dominate animal

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Dominate animal

Enchantment (compulsion)
Level (1E)
Dru 3, Hun 3, Mes 3, Psy 4, Sha 3
Source: Core Rulebook, pg(s). 273

This article covers a topic relevant to Pathfinder First Edition. For the Pathfinder Second Edition equivalent, see dominate.

See also: Dominate monster and dominate person

The dominate animal spell allows the spellcaster to silently mentally influence and control a nearby animal. The caster can issue only basic commands, such as "fight" or "come here", and cannot share direct sensory input, but the creature might be capable of performing tasks through the caster's intelligence that it otherwise could not. The subject is not obligated to follow self-destructive commands, including being commanded to attack dramatically larger creatures than itself.1[citation needed]


  1. Jason Bulmahn, et al. “Spells” in Core Rulebook, 273. Paizo Inc., 2009