Facts:Rival Academies

From PathfinderWiki
You can cite this entity by using {{Ref|Rival Academies}} or {{Cite/Rival Academies}}.
The infobox for this entity can be used via {{Infobox|Book|Rival Academies}} or just {{Infobox|Book}} on the page Rival Academies.
General Book Facts
NameThe general name of an entity. This is used for many different types.

Rival Academies

Full titleThe full book title. This should only be used in addition to name if the book has a long name that is not typically used in its full form.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Rival Academies

Represented by pageThis entity is best represented by this wikipage.

default: Rival Academies

ImageThe page of an image representing this entity.

Rival Academies.webp

AuthorThis entity was written by the given Person. This property can appear multiple times to indicate multiple authors.
PublisherThe publisher of this book or product.
Book typeThe type of book.


Rule systemWhich RPG system is used in this product.


SeriesThe series this book belongs to.
FollowsThe previous release.
PrecedesThe next release.
WebsiteAn URL that is strongly linked to this entity. E.g. the Paizo page for a book.
PubcodeTypically a Paizo pubcode.


PagesThe number of pages in this book.


Blurb headingA heading for a text.

The finest mages, scientists, and academics of the Age of Lost Omens are gathering!

Blurb textA text describing the entity in detail.

Journey to a fortress-city in demon-ravaged Sarkoris to learn the ancient magical secrets of the Magaambya's wizards, Lepidstadt's bleeding-edge theories on reanimating flesh with electricity, the extraplanar fey philosophies of the Cobyslarni, and the lore of more than a dozen other academies! With so many prominent scholars in one place, rivalries are sure to abound—whether in the classroom, on the sports fields, or during field trips to dangerous lands.

Blurb text extrasMore details that can be shown together with <code>Blurb text</code> if there is enough space.

This 128-page book gives GMs and players a vibrant roster of luminaries, students, athletes, and wizards to build their very own magical academies. Whether players build bonds with classmates or clash with rivals, they'll gain diverse options like advanced spymaster gear, dazzling new martial arts techniques, or new wizard spells and schools, including the remastered Runelord!

Automatic properties
Fact typeThe type of fact represented by this entity. This should be a reference to the template that created it.
Author allThis entity is automatically filled with all authors, section authors and primary authors.
Release yearThe year in which this product was released. This is typically automatically calculated.


Release dateThe release date or a partial release date.


Release date precisionAutomatically generated property that says how precise a given date was.
