Five Kings Wars

From PathfinderWiki
See also: Kerse Accord

Nine years after the founding of the last of the five ancient dwarven kingdoms in Five Kings Mountains (Gardadth, Saggorak, Doggadth, Grakodan, and Taggoret), the first of no less than nineteen civil wars broke out in 1571 AR. These Five Kings Wars continued for more than 700 years,12 punctuated by truces and cessations but ending only when the cabal of Kalistocrats from the territory of Druma called the Promise of Kalistrade called in the nations' extensive war debts.2

Over the course of one week in the fall of 2331 AR, the Promise of Kalistrade dispatched letters to each of the dwarven kings to collect their centuries of war debts. The dwarven kingdoms were exhausted and impoverished from the near-constant war; they initially refused to pay but faced united militias assembled by the Kalistocrats as well as the services of the Mercenary League.2

Rather than war, the Kalistocrats invited dwarven representatives to the Drumish city of Kerse in 2332 AR and offered to forgive most of the debt and favorably refinance the rest, in exchange for the dwarven nations granting Druma its independence. The dwarves assented, signed the treaty, and recognized the sovereign nation of Druma, as did Taldor.2

Great towering sculptures of the five kings were carved at the highest peaks of the mountains to celebrate the treaty.13
