Garden of Chains

From PathfinderWiki

The Garden of Chains was a slave market in the city of Katapesh's Twilight Gate district, best known for its human and halfling slaves. Fat Aghurr was the kholo1 overseer of the market.2

The status of the Garden of Chains since the abolition of slavery in Katapesh in 4722 AR is unknown.3


The Garden of Chains is built upon the ruins of a water garden and entrance to the city's qanat. Once this civic project was abandoned and the entire district fell into disrepair, a group of humans and kholo constructed this slave auction market.2


The Garden of Chains is a pit excavated from the surrounding area. There are two levels—the floor, where the business is conducted, and the mezzanine, where the slaves were stored and viewed during auction. The west end of the mezzanine consisted of the slave pens; the east side was the auction block. The floor consisted of a pit, covered with damaged mosaic tiles, where the buyers bid. The wooden auctioneer's stand rose above this pit. Around the outside of this area were the market's business offices. A trough, left over from the Garden's days as a water garden, sloped to the west into the qanat.24

Each of the seven pens held up to four slaves. At least six humans and kholo guarded the slaves at all times.2

Buying process

Potential buyers could view the slave stores up close via a wide walkway next to the pens. Slaves in choke collars were moved to the auction block throughout the day.2 Buyers placed their bids with Saiyd, the auctioneer. When Saiyd accepted a bid, he always yelled "Closed!" and gave the buyer a stamped purchase slip. This purchase slip was then taken to the exchanger's office with gold in hand. The gold and slip were exchanged for ownership paperwork, and the buyer was escorted to the pens to receive the slaves.4

Slaves who failed to sell stayed in the pens overnight. It was unclear what occurred, but by the next day these slaves would become more eager and actively trying to sell themselves. Those who still fail to sell eventually disappeared.4

The market closed at sundown.4


Twilight Talon agent Whispershade believed there were more slaves here than there should be, and that slavers somehow avoided the city's tariffs on their trade.5


  1. ↑ Paizo referred to all kholo as gnolls until the publication of The Mwangi Expanse, and renamed all gnolls to kholo across Player Core, GM Core, and Monster Core. For details, see Meta:Kholo.
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Tim Hitchcock. “Appendix 2: Garden of Chains” in Broken Chains, 30. Paizo Inc., 2013
  3. ↑ Paizo made an intentional and publicly announced decision to cease publishing stories focused on slaves and slavery in 2021. The details referenced here were canon in past works, and they might not yet have been updated in a subsequently published canon work. For details, see Meta:Slavery.
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Tim Hitchcock. “Appendix 2: Garden of Chains” in Broken Chains, 31. Paizo Inc., 2013
  5. ↑ Tim Hitchcock. “Part Two: The Abandoned Qanat” in Broken Chains, 4. Paizo Inc., 2013