A crossbow is a ranged weapon consisting of a tensioned bow-like device mounted on a handled stock frame called a tiller. A typical crossbow fires short arrow-like ammunition called bolts by releasing the bow's tension with a pull of a trigger in the tiller.1 Gunslingers are particularly adept with crossbows and can wield them as readily as firearms,2 while some rangers are also experts in their use.3
The first mortal inventor of the crossbow was Ligai Fei, whose soul was damned to the Library of Oaths in Hell for swearing and breaking an oath to his wife that he would never invent another weapon.4

Crossbows are made in several sizes and weights, and with varying loading and firing mechanisms. In addition to magical crossbows, mundane variants include:
- Alchemical crossbows, invented by Vilree Eldara, fire alchemically treated bolts5
- Arbalests are large crossbows with fast and powerful firing mechanisms1
- Double crossbows, popularized in Absalom, feature two firing mechanisms6
- Hand crossbows, also known as alley bows, are more concealable and can be fired in one hand similar to a pistol7
- Light and heavy crossbows require less or more effort to load and fire less or more powerfully than a typical crossbow, respectively7
- Repeating crossbows are automatically reloaded from bolts stored in a magazine each time they are cocked8
Crossbows and firearms have similar available accessories, including holsters, bandoliers, scopes,9 and stabilizers.10 Their stocks can both be reinforced and mounted with bayonets for use in close combat.11
In the Great Beyond
Abadar's favored weapon is the light crossbow.1213 Abadaran priests carry a gold-headed bolt for executions and grant the bolt to the dead criminal's family as compensation for their loss.14
Other deities and divine entities who favor the crossbow include the daemon harbingers Laivatiniel and Uaransaph;15 Nocticula when she was a demon lord;16 the empyreal lords Ondisso and Zohls;17 the infernal dukes Malthus, Sabnach, and Xhasnaphar;18 and the malebranche Scarmiglione.19
- â 1.0 1.1 âEquipmentâ in Player Core, 284. Paizo Inc., 2023 .
- â â3: Guns Charactersâ in Guns & Gears, 106–107. Paizo Inc., 2021 .
- â âClassesâ in Player Core, 157. Paizo Inc., 2023 .
- â âChapter 2: Fiendish Realmsâ in Book of the Damned, 141–142. Paizo Inc., 2017 .
- â âAdventure Toolboxâ in The Fall of Plaguestone, 56. Paizo Inc., 2019 .
- â âIntroductionâ in Ranged Tactics Toolbox, 5. Paizo Inc., 2014 .
- â 7.0 7.1 âEquipmentâ in Player Core, 285. Paizo Inc., 2023 .
- â â4: Guns Equipmentâ in Guns & Gears, 151. Paizo Inc., 2021 .
- â â4: Guns Equipmentâ in Guns & Gears, 179–180. Paizo Inc., 2021 .
- â â4: Guns Equipmentâ in Guns & Gears, 183. Paizo Inc., 2021 .
- â â4: Guns Equipmentâ in Guns & Gears, 153. Paizo Inc., 2021 .
- â Inner Sea Gods, 12. Paizo Inc., 2014 .
- â âIntroductionâ in Player Core, 35. Paizo Inc., 2023 .
- â Inner Sea Gods, 16. Paizo Inc., 2014 .
- â Inner Sea Gods, 318–319. Paizo Inc., 2014 .
- â Inner Sea Gods, 320–321. Paizo Inc., 2014 .
- â Inner Sea Gods, 322–323. Paizo Inc., 2014 .
- â Inner Sea Gods, 326–327. Paizo Inc., 2014 .
- â Inner Sea Gods, 327–328. Paizo Inc., 2014 .
External links
- Crossbow (real-world weapon) on Wikipedia