Empyreal lord

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Empyreal Lord
Empyreal lord

(good, extraplanar)
high, usually 20+
Source: The Inner Sea World Guide, pg(s). 233

Empyreal lords, or the Lords of the Empyrean, are unique outsiders who have transcended their original forms and have acquired a small spark of divinity, becoming demigods.12 They guide mortals on the various paths to righteousness,3 and the goddess Sarenrae herself is said to have risen from their ranks.4 Angels, archons, azatas, and powerful agathions known as agathion leaders have all entered the ranks of empyreal lords.5[citation needed]

Known empyreal lords

The following list includes the most well-known empyreal lords, many of whom are venerated on Golarion.6

Name Title Type
Andoletta Grandmother Crow Archon
Arqueros Golden BulwarkThe Golden Bulwark Archon
Arshea Spirit of Abandon Angel
Ashava True Spark Azata
Atonga Of Sea and Songs Azata
Benorus Angel of Lightless Chambers Angel
Bharnarol Tempered InventorThe Tempered Inventor Agathion
Black Butterfly Silence BetweenThe Silence Between Azata
Cernunnos Stag LordThe Stag Lord Azata
Chadali Serendipitous PathThe Serendipitous Path Azata
Chucaro Maiden of Haze and Whimsy Azata
Dalenydra Blessed AttendantThe Blessed Attendant Angel
Dammerich Weighted SwingThe Weighted Swing Archon
Eldas Abiding SpireThe Abiding Spire Archon
Eritrice Heart-Speaker Agathion
Falayna Warrior's Ring Archon
Ghenshau Breezes-Still-and-Ripples-Cease Archon
Halcamora Lady of Ripe Bounty Agathion
Hembad Wise Grandfather Azata
Immonhiel Balm-Bringer Angel
Irez Lady of Inscribed Wonder Agathion
Jaidz Fearless Claw Agathion
Jalaijatali Rillsong Azata
Jegudiel Unknown
Kelinahat She of Ebon Wings Archon
Keltheald Sunset SpiresThe Sunset Spires Angel
Kelumarion King Over the Mountains The King Over the Mountain Agathion
Korada Open Hand of HarmonyThe Open Hand of Harmony Agathion
Kroina Lady All-Sight Archon
Lalaci He of Motley Repose Azata
Lorris Savior HoundThe Savior Hound Agathion
Lymnieris Auroral TowerThe Auroral Tower Angel
Lythertida Voiceless TragedyThe Voiceless Tragedy Agathion
Marishi Festival QueenThe Festival Queen Azata
Mazludeh Mother of Hearth and Wall Unknown
Melek Taus Peacock Angel Unknown
Neshen Knight of the Steel LashThe Knight of the Steel Lash Angel
Olheon Just ArbiterThe Just Arbiter Archon
Ondisso Stalwart StairThe Stalwart Stair Agathion
Picoperi Merrgleam Azata
Pulura Shimmering MaidenThe Shimmering Maiden Angel
Ragathiel General of Vengeance Angel
Reymenda Lady of the Martyred Womb Azata
Rowdrosh Divine HerdsmanThe Divine Herdsman Agathion
Sandalphon Unknown
Sarenrae DawnflowerThe Dawnflower Angel
Seramaydiel Lady of Inspired Notes Angel
Shei Ibis MatronThe Ibis Matron Agathion
Shei Five Dawns Oracle of Sinashakti Unknown
Shemhazai Empyreal Lord of Vision Angel
Sinashakti Immaculate Joy Azata
Smiad Pitiless DragonslayerThe Pitiless Dragonslayer Archon
Soralyon Mystic AngelThe Mystic Angel Angel
Svarozic Face of FlameThe Face of Flame Archon
Tanagaar Aurulent EyeThe Aurulent Eye Archon
TaramythLady Taramyth Singing FlameThe Singing Flame Agathion
Thisamet Blithe SpiritThe Blithe Spirit Azata
Tolc Snow-Strider Angel
Uriel Unknown
Uskyeria Saintly SlumbererThe Saintly Slumberer Agathion
Valani Fireshaker Azata
Vildeis Cardinal MartyrThe Cardinal Martyr Angel
Winlas Elder of DivinityThe Elder of Divinity Archon
Ylimancha Harborwing Agathion
Zohls Verity Archon

Unknown empyreal lords

Nothing is known about the following empyreal lords but their names, and few or none of them might actually exist:7

Name Title Type
Aizen Myo-o Red WisdomThe Red Wisdom Azata
Asteria Of the Endless Order Archon
Chavod Broken-Spear Agathion
Cocidius Hawk-Keeper Archon
Connla Wolfhound's SonThe Wolfhound's Son Azata
Duellona8 Warrior MaidenThe Warrior Maiden Archon
Erlang Shen All-SeeingThe All-Seeing Archon
ForgottenThe Forgotten Free Even from Memory Azata
Hors Freezing SunThe Freezing Sun Archon
Ibeji TwinsThe Twins Azata
Inanna Princess of the Sky Archon
Itzamna Who Watches from Clouds Azata
Lada Lady of Dance Azata
Lugus Three-FacedThe Three-Faced Archon
Maahes Guardian BeastThe Guardian Beast Azata
Muyingwa Seed ThrowerThe Seed Thrower Azata
Ogma ChampionThe Champion Azata
Ogoun Of Fire and Iron Archon
Oro Flame in the SkyThe Flame in the Sky Archon
Qetesh Sacred LoverThe Sacred Lover Azata
Radigost Bringer of Boons Archon
Sheave Orphan LordThe Orphan Lord Archon
Sixlife Violet FuryThe Violet Fury Agathion
Tahmineh Wounded MotherThe Wounded Mother Archon
Tanit Guardian of Life Archon
Tsukuyomi Prince of the Moon Azata
Vikramaditya Wise and Valorous King Azata
Walks with Golden Stars Agathion


Paizo published a major sourcebook called Chronicle of the Righteous that details the empyreal lords.

For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. ↑ James Jacobs, et al. “Other Gods” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 230. Paizo Inc., 2011
  2. ↑ James Jacobs, et al. “Other Gods” in The Inner Sea World Guide, 233. Paizo Inc., 2011
  3. ↑ Sean K Reynolds, et al. Inner Sea Gods, 190. Paizo Inc., 2014
  4. ↑ Erik Mona, et al. “Chapter 3: Religion” in Campaign Setting, 175. Paizo Inc., 2008
  5. ↑ Jason Bulmahn, et al. “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary 2, 15. Paizo Inc., 2010
  6. ↑ Amber E. Scott. Chronicle of the Righteous. Paizo Inc., 2013
  7. ↑ These empyreal lords are mentioned only in a non-canonical sidebar of a Pathfinder First Edition Bestiary. Per the PathfinderWiki canon policy as well as clarifications from Paizo staff, they are not considered canon unless they appear in a canon source.
  8. ↑ Duellona appears in Starfinder Click this link to see if this article exists on StarfinderWiki.. More information might be available at Duellona Click this link to see if this article exists on StarfinderWiki..