Horai are nymphs associated with one of the solstices or equinoxes instead of a specific location.1
Each hora is associated with a season and empowered or weakened by the current date's proximity to that season's solstice or equinox. Summer and winter horai are respectively affiliated with energies of fire and cold, while spring and autumn horai are respectively affiliated with vitality and void energies.2
A hora binds itself to an astronomical calendar near their home that tracks the sun's position, and they must be present at the calendar at dawn or suffer a debilitating draining of their powers. Clouds do not impede their ability to fulfill this requirement. The hora can move their calendar in a ritual that requires 24 hours to complete.1
Hora queens
Hora queens' are active across larger regions and are often work in pairs of opposites, such as summer and winter hora queens or spring and autumn. A lone hora queen's region degrades during their opposite season if no counterpart accompanies them.3
- â 1.0 1.1 âAdventure Toolboxâ in Burning Tundra, 80. Paizo Inc., 2022 .
- â âAdventure Toolboxâ in Burning Tundra, 80–81. Paizo Inc., 2022 .
- â âAdventure Toolboxâ in Burning Tundra, 81. Paizo Inc., 2022 .