Meta:City districts of Absalom

From PathfinderWiki

District status

In the original Guide to Absalom (pub. 2008), there were fourteen districts in Absalom. Paizo reduced this to twelve in the Pathfinder Society Field Guide (pub. 2016) and discussed by Erik Mona:1 Azlanti Keep was no longer classified as a district in its own right; the Merchants' Quarter and the Coins were merged to become the same district, called the Coins; Green Ridge was subsumed as a neighbourhood within Eastgate; and the Flotsam Graveyard was added as a virtual district.

This structure was changed again in Absalom, City of Lost Omens (pub. 2021) with the removal of district status of the Flotsam Graveyard, making a total of eleven. This latter book is considered the primary source. -User:Fleanetha (User talk:Fleanetha) 08:54, 3 December 2023‎


  1. "The PFS Field Guide is the correct map. I revised it myself to solve various issues like the size of the Ivy District, and in doing so I decided to consolidate the city's districts to make it a little easier to wrap your head around the scope of it." Erik Mona. (February 11, 2016). Comment on "Which Absalom map is correct?", Paizo messageboards.