Mourning One

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The Mourning One

Source: Mystery Monsters Revisited, pg(s). 50–51

The Mourning One is a leviathan of a sea serpent who dwells within the frigid waters of Sekamina's Lake Nirthran. Created in the lightless Orvian vault known as the Land of Black Blood, the Mourning One has only recently escaped its prison. The ghoul necromancers of Nemret Noktoria and the drow fleshwarpers of Delvingulf both seek to capture the serpent for the valuable black blood that flows through its veins, while the ulat-kinis of Cold Momugado want it dead due to the threat it poses to their scavenging and raiding parties. So far, however, the Mourning One has avoided capture or killing by all these factions.1

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