Screaming Reaver

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Screaming Reaver

Black-Eye Benbem (formerly);
Coal-Dark (currently)
Source: Isles of the Shackles, pg(s). 27

As of 4712 AR, the sloop-of-war Screaming Reaver is one of the most infamous pirate vessels sailing the Shackles. The Screaming Reaver's home port has been the Fort Benbem on the Pangalley Atoll, since the ship was banned from using even Shark Island ports.1

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The Screaming Reaver was originally captained by Black-Eye Benbem, who was notorious for capturing merchant ships, pilfering the cargo, and leaving the crew bound on the captured vessel before setting it adrift with a fire lit in its hold. It is said that Benbem enjoyed the shrieks of burning victims drifting across the water.1

In 4709 AR, Benbem's first mate, known simply as Coal-Dark, grew weary of the waste, slit her captain's throat and took over the Screaming Reaver. Since then the Screaming Reaver has become far more efficient with less useless savagery.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Mike Shel. “Shackles Gazetteer” in Isles of the Shackles, 27. Paizo Inc., 2012