Pangalley Atoll
From PathfinderWiki
The Pangalley Atoll is located south of the Shark Island in the Shackles. The notorious Black-Eye Benbem has built the Fort Benbem on the Pangalley Atoll as the home port of his infamous sloop-of-war Screaming Reaver.1
- ↑ Mike Shel. “Shackles Gazetteer” in Isles of the Shackles, 27. Paizo Inc., 2012
The Shackles
Mainland and civilized islands
Other islands
- Benbog Isle
- Besmara's Throne
- Bhudrek Atoll
- Blacksand Beach
- Bonewrack Isle
- Brightglass Island
- Butcher's Rock
- The Cannibal Isles
- Cauldron Rock
- Clubber's Point
- Culp's Menagerie
- Dagon's Jaws
- Dahak's Teeth: Dahak's Fang (East Fang & West Fang); Dahak's Horn; Dahak's Tooth
- Darguro Plate
- Fernlat's Islet
- Firegrass Isle
- Footless Isle
- Gannet Island
- Garnet Island
- Glengarnie Chain
- Haekin's Rebuke or Haekin's Redoubt
- Hesmene's Grotto
- Island of the Black Tower
- Island of Empty Eyes
- Isle of Consummations
- Kelizar's Atoll
- Kepre Dua
- Mancatcher Cove
- Mgange Cove
- Moluune Parapet
- Nalt's Island
- Onokin
- Paeterpade Isle
- Pangalley Atoll
- Petrel's Perch
- Raingale Isle
- Rampore Isles
- Raptor Island
- Raugsmauda's Reach
- Redbow Isle
- Sai Riang's Refuge
- Sarenvent
- Shenchu Bay
- Skinny Whale Isle
- The Smoker
- Taldas Isle
- Taypan's Rock
- Undersquare Isle
- Ungoro Tedar
- Ushinawa Isles
- Vaelyn & Kellan
- Warvil's Folly
- Whyrlis Rock
- Widowmaker Isle
- Windward Isle
- Yoha's Graveyard
Major geographical features
- Arcadian Ocean
- Baydac Falls
- Broken Hook
- Broken Hope River
- Cayden's Arm
- Cecaelia Swirl
- Chenogg Rainforest
- Dead Slave Cove
- Fellhope Canyon
- Fever Sea
- Ghost Lake
- Glittering Lake
- Greenscale River
- Halfling Coast
- Jeopardy Bay
- Karsule Swampland
- Lake of Dead Dreams
- Lake Rogshagrox
- Lake of Scales
- Lake Vene
- Leatherwing Bay
- Lurching Mountain
- Methoth Lake
- Paego Peaks
- Sahuagin Coast
- The Slithering Coast
- Steirwood
- Straits of Aashaq
- Straits of Balthus
- Sweet Tooth Lake
- Takalak Hills
- Terwa River
- Terwa Uplands
- Wailing Cave
- Alendruan Harbor
- Arena
- Banukmaud
- Beachcomber
- Blackblood Cay
- Bogsbridge
- Chalk Harbor
- Cho-Tzu
- Colvaas Gibbet
- Downpour
- Dragonsthrall
- Drenchport
- Drowning Rock
- Falchion Point
- Fort Benbem
- Fort Holiday
- Ganagsau
- Genzei
- Ghrinitshahara
- Goatshead
- Haigui Wan
- Halabad
- Heggapnod
- Hell Harbor
- Heslandaena
- Kora
- Kukgukmol
- Lilywhite
- Little Oppara
- Maidenspool
- Mezdrubal
- Moak Harbor
- Myscurial
- Neruma
- Ngozu
- Ollo
- Oyster Cay
- Parley Point
- Peshaka Naeu
- Pex
- Plumetown
- Port Peril (capital city)
- Queen Bes
- Quent
- Raketooth
- Rapier Bay
- Rickety's Squibs
- Robu
- Rumbutter
- Slipcove
- Tyvas-Devas
- Vezhnu
- Vilelock
- Yelligo Wharf
- Zeibo
- Zhenbarghua
Sites of interest
- Besmara's Temple
- Black Tower
- Blackwarn's Gallows
- Blood Fountain
- Camp of the Merry Pranksters
- Camp of the Penitents
- Cauldrons of Calm and Calamity
- City of Bleeding Stones
- Dragon's Gullet
- Wreck of the Dusk Poacher
- Eel's Skull
- Field of Bones and Black Glass
- Haunted Crater Lakes
- Heavywater Perch
- Heskott Bay
- Holy Isle
- Moak Harbor
- Norboro Ashes
- Obelisk of Wonders
- Ongongte Overlook
- Pit of Raugsmauda
- Queen's Processional
- Sanctum of the Sorrowmaker
- Stone of Tears
- Temple of the Ravenous Moon
- Tidewater Rock
- Tzaarban
- Vhunsaub
- Whirlpool Rush
- Zhukuo Tegeg