Segada Protocol

From PathfinderWiki

The Segada Protocol is a treaty of regulations on Avistani colonization of Arcadia enacted in 4679 AR by a group of four Arcadian nations. The nations developed the protocol in response to Avistani colonists discovering precious mineral deposits in mountains near the Degasi city of Segada.12


The protocol allows such colonies to exist within detailed limits:12

  • Settlement is restricted to specific locations on the Grinding Coast: Canorus, Anchor's End, and Elesomare. (The isolated Ulfen settlement of Port Valen to the north is not included, and no additional colonization was allowed following the destruction of Canorus.)
  • Approval from authorities from participating Arcadian nations, as well as the presence of an Arcadian guide, are required before any colonist can access the continent's interior.
  • Expatriation of income from trade between the colonies and Arcadian nations is limited to 15 percent.
  • Arcadian tolerance of the colonies ends if their inhabitants fail to maintain peace with Arcadian nations.

The protocol also established an agency to inspect these colonies for adherence, and Segada also increased the size of its guard forces.1


In 4679 AR, the Mahwek people convened a Grand Council meeting in Segada to decide how to respond to the arrival of Avistani settlers from across the Arcadian Ocean. The colonization represented the first such acts since ancient Azlanti aggression, leading to elders preferring isolation or prohibition over integration. A compromise allowed the colonies to remain in place and facilitated trade, but prevented new colonization, limited movement from the colonies into the interior, mandated non-aggression from the colonists, and restricted the expatriation of Arcadian wealth through the colonies.1

The pact was signed in the House of Keys in Segada.3

Public opinion

As a compromise, some Arcadians consider the protocol to be a dangerous precedent and publicly protested it as recently as 4723 AR, when former Segadan councilor Kwari led a public demonstration against Pathfinder Society activity in the continent.4
