Stainless Caress

From PathfinderWiki

The Stainless Caress is the home of Queen of the Night Ardad Lili and is located in Avernus. The End of Innocence rules her domain from here and gathers allies to invade Nirvana such as: fallen angels, erinyes, gylous, other female devils, and even damned shades. It is named after what she offered mortals in exchange for their allegiance.1 It was created many millennia after Ardad Lili's arrival in Hell, and the alliance between the Queens of the Night began here.2


  1. Paizo Inc., et al. “Chapter 1: Fiendish Divinities” in Book of the Damned, 22–23. Paizo Inc., 2017
  2. Paizo Inc., et al. “Chapter 1: Fiendish Divinities” in Book of the Damned, 49. Paizo Inc., 2017