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Position and size of Argo Isle

See Talk:Argo Isle/Conflict. -Oznogon (talk) 18:18, 29 July 2024 (UTC)


Kintargo's government has been described in potentially conflicting ways since Ravounel's independence from Cheliax was confirmed in World Guide. It is unclear what the governmental roles and responsibilities of Jilia Bainilus and the Silver Council are, how they are related to each other, and whether these varying descriptions reflect changes over time, a lack of structure in the city's government, or canon errors. Bainilus's title as Domina and her responsibilities for Ravounel are unclear.

  • In the first city statblock for a free Kintargo as suggested on The Kintargo Contract 3, the government is described as an "autocracy" led by Lord-Mayor Jilia Bainilus. At this point the Silver Council is an advisory group of the Silver Ravens as part of the ongoing rebellion against Cheliax.
  • World Guide 100 and 104 describe the nation of Ravounel as being ruled by Jilia Bainilus with the title of Domina. The book does not mention Kintargo's government or the Silver Council.
  • Tomorrow Must Burn 7, 27, and 57 respectively describe the Silver Council as "the Silver Council that leads Kintargo", "that city's (Kintargo) ruling Silver Council", and "the leaders of Kintargo". The Silver Council plays a significant role in the adventure and are the primary ruling body that the PCs interact with.
  • Tomorrow Must Burn 59–60 describes the nation of Ravounel as being ruled by Jilia Bainilus under the title of Domina, with her powers an expansion of her former role as Kintargo's lord-mayor, and describes the Silver Council as an advisory body representing Kintargo.
  • Firebrands 19 describes the Silver Council and Jilia Bainilus only as "those in power", and Bainilus' title is Domina.
  • The city statblock on Curtain Call Player's Guide 16 lists the city's government as being "Mayor (elected leader)". Jilia Bainilus' title is "Lord Mayor" and "mayor" of Kintargo and is described as "ruler of Ravounel", but the book does not use the title of Domina.
  • Curtain Call Player's Guide 17 describes the Silver Council as having "replaced the city's former administrative body, the Court of Coin" and as being concerned with the "larger political issues affecting the city and the nation".

The parts of these discrepancies that cannot be plausibly explained by the passage of time and evolution of Kintargo and Ravounel are irreconcilable and require official clarification. The impending Curtain Call Pathfinder Adventure Path might provide clarity. -Oznogon (talk) 18:18, 29 July 2024 (UTC)