
From PathfinderWiki
Template documentation (for the above template, sometimes hidden or invisible)
Subpages of this template:
For help writing an article about a person, see Help:Writing an article about a person.

{{Person}} is for use in any article about a non-player character (NPC) in the Pathfinder campaign setting. All parameters are optional and can be left blank, though it is preferred to include as many as possible; if undefined, these optional parameters will not appear as part of the template.

This template is based upon the Person template located at the Forgotten Realms Wiki.

For people who exist in both Pathfinder First Edition and Pathfinder Second Edition, use the {{Person}} template below for "Both editions": this is now the preferred Person template for general use. For people who differ considerably between 1E and 2E, consider using the {{Person tabbed}}, which allows you to add differing infobox details for both editions in the same infobox.


Both editions

| image        = 
| name         = 
| titles       = 
| aliases      = 
| homeland     = 
| alignment    = 
| ancestry     = 
| traits       = 
| gender       = 
| level        = 
| class        = 
| deity        = 
| dob          = 
| death        = 
| destroyed    = 
| organization = 
| animal       = 
| spiritanimal = 
| familiar     = 
| eidolon      = 
| companions   = 
| cohort       = 
| imagesof     = 
| 1e-source    = 
| 1e-page      = 
| 2e-source    = 
| 2e-page      = 
| footnote     = 

Pathfinder First Edition

| image        = 
| name         = 
| titles       = 
| aliases      = 
| homeland     = 
| alignment    = 
| race         = 
| gender       = 
| class        = 
| deity        = 
| dob          = 
| death        = 
| destroyed    = 
| organization = 
| animal       = 
| spiritanimal = 
| familiar     = 
| eidolon      = 
| companions   = 
| cohort       = 
| imagesof     = 
| source       = 
| page         = 
| footnote     = 

Pathfinder Second Edition

| image        = 
| name         = 
| titles       = 
| aliases      = 
| homeland     = 
| alignment    = 
| ancestry     = 
| traits       = 
| gender       = 
| level        = 
| deity        = 
| dob          = 
| death        = 
| destroyed    = 
| organization = 
| companions   = 
| imagesof     = 
| source       = 
| page         = 
| footnote     = 


Use this infobox template for unique sentient creatures. For creature types, species, and unique non-sentient creatures, use the {{Creature}} (1E or 2E only) or {{Creature tabbed}} (both 1E and 2E) templates.

Common parameters

image (optional)
An image of the person, using the standard File syntax. Should be given without [[]] or any settings.
name (optional)
The name of the person. This should be the name by which the person is most known. If omitted, the template uses the article name by default.
ibtype (optional)
The infobox type. You can override "Person" in special cases, such as for iconic characters. This should be used sparingly!
titles (optional)
Any official titles held by the person.
aliases (optional)
Any alternate names that represent the person.
homeland (optional)
Either the person's place of birth, most frequent location, or both.
alignment (optional)
A link to the person's alignment, if known. For example, if the character is Lawful Evil, link to [[Lawful evil]].
gender (optional)
The person's gender, if any.
deity (optional)
If known, the person's religious beliefs.
An optional deitytype field defines the label text, allowing it to be changed from the default of "Deity", for instance to denote non-deific faiths or philosophies. Omit this field if not in use.
dob (optional)
The person's date of birth, if known. If the person is still alive, you can use {{Age/AR}} to calculate their age to the present day of Wealday, 26 Pharast, 4725 AR per the canon policy's provision that time in the Pathfinder campaign setting corresponds to the real world.
death (optional)
The date of the person's death, if known. If both dob and death are known, you can use {{Age/AR}} to estimate their age at death.
destroyed (optional)
The date of the person's final destruction, if the person returned in some alternate form. If both dob and destroyed are known, you can use {{Age/AR}} to estimate their age at destruction.
organization (optional)
Any organizations to which the person belongs.
imagesof (optional)
If there are images categorized for this person, enter the name under which those images are categorized to display a link to the appropriate category. For instance, to make a link to Category:Images of Ileosa Arabasti appear, add the imagesof parameter with the value Ileosa Arabasti.
source & page (optional)
The source wherein the person was first mentioned, or from which the most information is available. Link the title, and include page number if possible. Use this only if you have a source and page for either 1E or 2E, but not both.
1e-source, 1e-page, 2e-source, & 2e-page (optional)
The source wherein the person was first mentioned, or from which the most information is available, in both 1E and 2E. Link the title, and include page number if possible. Use this only if you have a source and page for both editions.
footnote (optional)
Footnotes specific to the infobox, if required, such as to note legacy details or cite sources with additional context.
aon1e,aon2e (optional)
Can contain a link to an Archive of Nethys page, starting after the first slash (e.g. Monsters.aspx?ID=490)

Pathfinder First Edition parameters

race (optional)
The race or species of the person. Examples include human, dwarf, elf, troll, red dragon, etc. If the person has a specific or dominant ethnicity, add it in parentheses after the race. For an infobox covering both editions at once, consider omitting race as redundant unless it differs from the ancestry listed among the person's traits.
The ancestry parameter is equivalent to the race parameter. If both are included, only the ancestry value is used.
class (optional)
Character class(es) possessed by the person, if any.
animal (optional)
If the person has an animal companion, list it here.
spiritanimal (optional)
If the person has a spirit animal, list it here.
familiar (optional)
If the person has a familiar, list it here.
eidolon (optional)
If the person has an eidolon, list it here.
companions (optional)
If the person has unbonded traveling or adventuring companions, list them here.
cohort (optional)
If the person has a cohort, list them here.

Pathfinder Second Edition parameters

traits (optional)
The person's traits as defined in Pathfinder Second Edition found in the colour-coded horizontal list near the top of a person's stat block. Use the correct 2e trait box, such as {{2eTrait|Large}} for
in this line: see the example and Template:2eTrait for a bigger selection. These boxes are shown at the top of the infobox.It's fine to omit this if there is not a statblock for the person in 2E.. For more information about traits, consult the Core Rulebook or the Pathfinder Reference Document.
If the person has a stated ancestry but no mechanical traits, use the optional ancestry parameter, which is equivalent to the race parameter.
level (optional)
The person's level.
companions (optional)
If the person has any companions, bonded or otherwise, list them here.


Both editions

| image        = File:Il'setsya Wyrmtouched.jpg
| name         = Il'setsya Wyrmtouched
| titles       = 
| aliases      = D'zenirusiphia the Pink Exultation of Wanton Whimsy of the Chorus of Malignant Symmetry
| homeland     = [[Galisemni]], [[Maelstrom]]
| alignment    = [[Chaotic neutral]]
| traits       = {{2eTrait|Unique}}{{2eTrait|CN}}{{2eTrait|Medium}}{{2eTrait|Ganzi}}{{2eTrait|Humanoid}}
| gender       = Female
| level        = 18
| class        = [[Arcanist]] 18
| deity        = 
| dob          = 
| death        = 
| destroyed    = 
| organization = [[Devotees of the Wyrm]]
| animal       = 
| spiritanimal = 
| familiar     = 
| eidolon      = 
| companions   = [[Astrid Noxamilla]]
| cohort       = 
| imagesof     = Il'setsya Wyrmtouched 
| 1e-source    = [[Planar Adventures]]
| 1e-page      = 188
| 2e-source    = [[Ruins of the Radiant Siege]]
| 2e-page      = 88–89
Il'setsya Wyrmtouched

D'zenirusiphia the Pink Exultation of Wanton Whimsy of the Chorus of Malignant Symmetry
Source: Planar Adventures, pg(s). 188 (1E)
Ruins of the Radiant Siege, pg(s). 88–89 (2E)

Pathfinder First Edition

| image        = File:Ileosa.jpg
| name         = Ileosa Arabasti
| titles       = Queen of [[Korvosa]]
| aliases      = 
| homeland     = [[Korvosa]], [[Varisia]]<br />formerly [[Cheliax]]
| alignment    = [[Lawful evil]]
| race         = [[Devil|Devil-bonded]] [[human]] ([[Chelaxian (human ethnicity)|Chelaxian]])
| gender       = Female
| class        = [[Aristocrat]] 2 / [[Bard]] 16
| deity        = 
| dob          = [[4687 AR]]
| death        = [[4708 AR]] (aged {{Age/AR|4687|1|1|4708|1|1}})
| destroyed    = 
| organization = [[House Arabasti]] (formerly [[House Arvanxi]])
| animal       = 
| spiritanimal = 
| familiar     = 
| eidolon      = 
| companions   = 
| cohort       = 
| imagesof     = Ileosa Arabasti
| source       = [[Crown of Fangs]]
| page         = 57
Ileosa Arabasti

Queen of Korvosa
4708 AR (aged 21)
Source: Crown of Fangs, pg(s). 57

Pathfinder Second Edition

| image        = File:Ileosa.jpg
| name         = Ileosa Arabasti
| titles       = Queen of [[Korvosa]]
| aliases      = 
| homeland     = [[Korvosa]], [[Varisia]]<br />formerly [[Cheliax]]
| alignment    = [[Lawful evil]]
| traits       = {{2eTrait|Human}}
| gender       = Female
| level        = 18
| deity        = 
| dob          = [[4687 AR]]
| death        = [[4708 AR]] (aged {{Age/AR|4687|1|1|4708|1|1}})
| destroyed    = 
| organization = [[House Arabasti]] (formerly [[House Arvanxi]])
| companions   = 
| imagesof     = Ileosa Arabasti
| source       = Doot Doot Core
| page         = 99
| footnote     = In Premastered Doot Doot, Ileosa Arabasti's alignment was Awful weevil.
Ileosa Arabasti

Queen of Korvosa
4708 AR (aged 21)
Source: Doot Doot Core, pg(s). 99
In Premastered Doot Doot, Ileosa Arabasti's alignment was awful weevil.