The Broken Dream
Vevelor is a velstrac demagogue who did not begin life as a velstrac but voluntarily became one after being shown the path to perfection, and seeks to guide others to the same exaltation, without caring whether they desire it or not. He resembles a beautiful, terrible, winged creature made of semi-shadows.1234
Vevelor began life as a mortal before he rose in power to become a velstrac demagogue, when the velstracs still lived in Hell. After Geryon devoured 812 tyrants of Hell during Asmodeus' conquest, Vevelor accompanied Aroggus in the exile of the velstracs to the Netherworld.45
Vevelor's realm is Cliffgrip, at the edge of Deeping Darkness, the chasm where Zon-Kuthon emerged from his imprisonment after Earthfall. It rings with screams of pain and Vevelor's assurances of impending exaltation.4
On Golarion
Vevelor's attention on Golarion is focused on Nidal, and a significant cult exists in the Hall to the Broken Dream near Ridwan. Nidal's ruling Kuthites consider Vevelor's dogma of freedom and self-determination blasphemous to Zon-Kuthon's teachings of joy in servitude, and tolerate, but do not condone the cult, which in turn keeps a low profile.4
For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.
- â âMonsters A to Zâ in Bestiary 3, 170. Paizo Inc., 2011 .
- â âChapter 1: Fiendish Divinitiesâ in Book of the Damned, 120. Paizo Inc., 2017 .
- â âChapter 1: Fiendish Divinitiesâ in Book of the Damned, 121. Paizo Inc., 2017 .
- â 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 âKyton Demagoguesâ in The City Outside of Time, 79. Paizo Inc., 2018 .
- â âGeryon, the Source of Liesâ in Scourge of the Godclaw, 69. Paizo Inc., 2016 .
- Vevelor
- Velstrac demagogues
- Demigods
- Velstrac/Inhabitants
- Ascended mortals
- Lawful evil deities
- Netherworld/Inhabitants
- Destruction domain deities
- Evil domain deities
- Law domain deities
- Liberation domain deities
- Freedom subdomain deities
- Revolution subdomain deities
- Slavery subdomain deities
- Torture subdomain deities