Whisperfall vulture

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Whisperfall vulture

Temperate mountains
Whisperfall vulture

The Whisperfall vulture is so-named as it is most commonly found in Whisperfall Pass region of the Hold of Belkzen. Rather than the scavenger role adopted by the common vulture, a Whisperfall vulture is a bird of prey that hunts for small mammals or, in flocks, larger prey, such as orcs or humans.1


A Whisperfall vulture is a brown-coloured bird that resembles a common vulture with the classic shorn neck. Its wing span reaches eight feet in adulthood with a body roughly the size of a halfling and a weight of around 50 pounds. Airborne, it exhibits the skills of a honed bird of prey with immense grace and speed, though on land it moves considerably more slowly.1


Outside of the species' homeland of Whisperfall Pass, the birds favour temperate mountain environments.1

Egg trade

Unfortunately for the species, in Urgir, the eggs of the vulture are designated delicacies and sell for high prices to many merchants in the city.1


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Tyler Beck, et al. “Bestiary” in Belkzen, Hold of the Orc Hordes, 56. Paizo Inc., 2015