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Albor Voltiaro

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Albor Voltiaro

Vizier of the Indomitable Sea,
Vizier Albor Voltiaro,
Father Albor Voltiaro
Source: Wake of the Watcher, pg(s). 34

Vizier of the Indomitable Sea Albor Voltiaro is the high priest in the town of Illmarsh. Ostensibly a servant of Gozreh, Father Voltiaro is actually a servant of Dagon, the demon lord of deformity, sea monsters and the sea.1 He has two sons: Caleb2 and Everard3 and employs Yib Thoolp as a bodyguard.4

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  1. ↑ Greg A. Vaughan & Robert G. McCreary. “Wake of the Watcher” in Wake of the Watcher, 34. Paizo Inc., 2011
  2. ↑ Greg A. Vaughan & Robert G. McCreary. “Wake of the Watcher” in Wake of the Watcher, 22. Paizo Inc., 2011
  3. ↑ Greg A. Vaughan & Robert G. McCreary. “Wake of the Watcher” in Wake of the Watcher, 38. Paizo Inc., 2011
  4. ↑ Greg A. Vaughan & Robert G. McCreary. “Wake of the Watcher” in Wake of the Watcher, 31. Paizo Inc., 2011