Deliberate Journey

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The Deliberate Journey

Areas of Concern
Knowing the way
Travel by road
Plan for travel and bring what you need, identify the best route, make deliberate decisions for the benefit of all who travel, travel with a purpose
Fail to prepare for a journey, let chance decide which way to go, put travelers under your care in danger
Follower Alignments (2E)
Domains (2E)
Earth, knowledge, luck, travel
Alternate: Secrecy, wealth
Favored Weapon
Source: Travel Guide, pg(s). 92

The Deliberate Journey is a pantheon of meaningful and purposeful travel, such as by caravans, migrants, and those who journey along established paths.1

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See also: Category:Deliberate Journey pantheon
Abadar supports building roads and mapping the routes that lead to civilization's expansion.
Barzahk, the Passage
This psychopomp of the Dead Roads hears calls for assistance from travelers who are at a crossroads, both literal and figurative.
Worshippers appeal to Desna's wisdom in their travels.
Ng, the Hooded
The Eldest Ng patronizes those who undertake long and purposeful journeys, and hears their prayers for protection from brigands,weather, and misdirection.


  1. Rigby Bendele, et al. “Religion” in Travel Guide, 92. Paizo Inc., 2022