Sorrow's Sword

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Sorrow's Sword

Areas of Concern
Reclaiming lost homelands
Drawing strength from sorrow
Avenge the wronged, destroy evildoers, lead the charge in battle, remember your community's history
Cower from combat, forgive those who have committed grave offenses, abandon or deceive allies
Follower Alignments (2E)
Domains (2E)
Duty, might, sorrow, zeal
Alternate: Confidence, fire
Favored Weapon
Source: Knights of Lastwall, pg(s). 69

Sorrow's Sword is a pantheon of deities who share the causes of duty, sacrifice, and righteous vengeance. It is prominently worshipped by the Crimson Reclaimers of the Knights of Lastwall.1

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See also: Category:Sorrow's Sword pantheon
The Unyielding's drive to survive and hatred of those who create undead from the unwilling draw many followers to include her in the pantheon, though the opposition of Ragathiel and Vildeis prevents her universal inclusion.1
The Lord in Iron's advocacy of strength and victory appeals to this pantheon's followers.2
The Inheritor's acts as a mortal and herald continue to inspire this pantheon's followers.
Followers of this pantheon readily adopt the General of Vengeance's commitments to duty and revenge.1
The Cardinal Martyr's uncompromising eradication of evil appeals to Crimson Reclaimers seeking vengeance against Tar-Baphon.1


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Jessica Catalan, et al. “Chapter 2: Among the Knights” in Knights of Lastwall, 69. Paizo Inc., 2022
  2. ↑ Jessica Catalan, et al. “Chapter 2: Among the Knights” in Knights of Lastwall, 69. Paizo Inc., 2022 The fate of this pantheon after the death of Gorum in 4724 AR is unknown.