Radiant Prism

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Radiant Prism
Prismatic Ray

Areas of Concern
Defeating evil
Guarding innocents
Wholesome creations
Create works that inspire good acts, defend those who cannot defend themselves, pursue evil
Allow evil to spread, destroy that which brings joy to others, fail to offer evil a chance to surrender
Follower Alignments (2E)
Sanctification (2E)
Can choose holy
Domains (2E)
Creation, moon, protection, sun
Alternate: Family, healing, travel
Favored Weapon
Rainbow arcing between the sun and a twinkling star
Source: Divine Mysteries, pg(s). 243–234
Alignment details are sourced from the Paizo Blog post "Friends in High Places".

The Radiant Prism, also known as the Prismatic Ray, is a pantheon of the goodly deific lovers Desna, Sarenrae, and Shelyn.12

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See also: Category:Radiant Prism pantheon


  1. Luis Loza. Friends In High Places. Paizo blog, 2020
  2. Misha Bushyager, et al. Pantheons” in Divine Mysteries, 243–244. Paizo Inc., 2024