Empyrean (angel)

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(angel, extraplanar, good)
Source: Bestiary 5, pg(s). 24-25
For other meanings of "Empyrean", please see Empyrean (disambiguation).
See also: Solar

Empyreans are special ancient angels who embody the good energy of a deity or deific being.1[citation needed]


Made of the ancient essence of good, empyreans appear as 15-foot-tall humanoids to make themselves more easily understandable by mortals and other angels. Light spills out through cracks in the empyrean's clothing (which is part of its lucent body), and its four wings are composed of wispy blue light.1[citation needed]


Empyreans have insight into the way creatures act, and it serves them well in battle. They infuse their weapons with their own inner light, and they can cast divine spells as if they were clerics.1[citation needed]


Ancient beyond measure, empyreans were created by the gods before the advent of mortalkind. They directly serve the gods and each empyrean only answers to the deity that originally created it. They are immune to all calling spells, unless they deliberately allow themselves to be called.

Unlike other angels, empyreans are not created from mortal souls and one is only born when another empyrean is killed. To fill the void, the remaining empyreans temporarily become receptive to the energy of good deities other than their creators, which can eventually cause one of them to split in two. The young empyrean shares many of the memories and personality traits of the original, but its power is influenced by the deity who sparked its creation.

Empyreans stand outside of the usual angelic chain of command. They serve as secret agents for deities who can be trusted to perform sensitive tasks, especially those that require a long view. Unlike solars, empyreans rarely pick fights against evil.1[citation needed]

Empyrean paragons

Empyrean paragons stand among the most powerful servants of good deities, and each deity can have at most one paragon. Each paragon possesses a unique ability tied to its deity.1[citation needed]

Known empyreans

See also: Category:Empyrean (angel)/Inhabitants


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Jason Bulmahn, et al. “Monsters A to Z” in Bestiary 5, 24–25. Paizo Inc., 2015
  2. Judy Bauer, et al. Paragon of the Wyrm (Empyrean angel)” in Heaven Unleashed, 48–49. Paizo Inc., 2016