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Small city
Source: Dragon Empires Gazetteer, pg(s). 20 (1E)
Tian Xia World Guide, pg(s). 67 (2E)

Jyito (pronounced JEE-toe)1 is the largely ruined capital of the oni nation of Chu Ye. Located in northeastern Tian Xia on Sapphire Sound, Jyito was a bustling city of almost 30,000 people before the fall of Lung Wa. Oni, giants, and ogres long since roamed the streets, frequently bringing in fresh slaves2 to replace those who were killed or eaten.3

The most prosperous region of modern Jyito is under the waters off its shores, where sea oni and merfolk live, and the old city's sole standing structure is its imposing shogun's castle. Recent reforms under the shogun Tsuneni away from a reign solely composed of terror have included attempts to revitalize the capital, in order to compete with wealthier and more cosmopolitan city of Kirahata to the south.4


  1. Eren Ahn, et al. Chu Ye” in Tian Xia World Guide, 63. Paizo Inc., 2024
  2. Paizo made an intentional and publicly announced decision to cease publishing stories focused on slaves and slavery in 2021. The details referenced here were canon in past works, and they might not yet have been updated in a subsequently published canon work. For details, see Meta:Slavery.
  3. James Jacobs, et al. “Regions of the Dragon Empires” in Dragon Empires Gazetteer, 20. Paizo Inc., 2011
  4. Eren Ahn, et al. Chu Ye” in Tian Xia World Guide, 67. Paizo Inc., 2024