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Liralarue (pronounced LEER-ah-la-roo)1 was a Thassilonian wizard and apprentice of Karzoug who believed she was the Eighth Runelord representing the sin of vainglory and school of divination. She disappeared at nearly the same time as Earthfall, a disaster which she anticipated but did not understand the full scope of its imminent destruction until it was too late,2 and her name and activities have largely been forgotten by history.3
Liralarue was a human woman with brown hair who favored clothing of purple and gold and wielded a green-shafted glaive.4
Liralarue summoned and bound a shadow demon named Ooun, whom she on occasion consulted for advice.5 She also bound several jabali6 genies from the Plane of Earth to construct her laboratories.7
Visander, one of her apprentices and a man whom she had spurned several times, threatened to expose Liralarue's activities to Karzoug. In response Liralarue lured, betrayed, and killed Visander.8 She also betrayed another agent named Zalavexus who conspired against her and had him converted into a worm that walks.9
Liralue was one of the many apprentices of Karzoug, Runelord of Greed. She was less notable among her peers for her wizardry than her subterfuge, and served Karzoug as a spymaster by founding a spy base on the border with Bakrakhan, on what is now known as the Pit in the Sandpoint Hinterlands, in -5304 AR.2
In secret she abandoned her studies of transmutation in favor of divination, a practice not pursued by other Thassilonian wizards, and sought to raise its profile to become an eight school of Thassilonian magic. She had chosen a rune of a seven-hooked circle for her proposed school, associated it with the sin of vainglory, and sought to be recognized as the Eighth Runelord.2 In her research she also learned that King Xin, founder of Thassilon, had envisioned an empire of cooperation instead of the Runelords' bickering, a lack of foresight that Liralue blamed on Xin's lack of diviniatory practices.2
In her pursuit of diviniatory power, she also pursued clockwork technology, researched genies and practiced genie binding, studied demonology and cloning rituals,9 fleshwarping techniques,10} and attempted to reverse-engineer her own runewell.9 Despite her studies and research, which included discovering the Outer Rifts energy permeating the site and establishing several demonic shrines within her complex, she did not discover the presence of Uvaglor in the Pit before Earthfall struck and destroyed Thassilon.11
Despite her pursuit of divination, she was able only to foresee that a disaster approached Thassilon, but not the extent of the damage that Earthfall would wreak. She journaled regretting the fruitless work of the final days before Earthfall instead of enjoying her last moments before the impending cataclysmic destruction that would kill her.2
Liralarue disappeared around the time of Earthfall in -5293 AR, but as of 4724 AR her ultimate fate remained unknown.12
Liralarue filled her laboratories and workshops in the Pit with magic items and constructs. A divinatory crystal called the Ghost Stone, infused with hundreds of Varisian seers' spirits, aided her in her task spying on Bakrahan and Alaznist but also generated the vision of Earthfall that overwhelmed her.13
- â James Jacobs. (February 27, 2025). Comment on "How are y'all pronouncing 'Liralarue'?", Paizo messageboards.
- â 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 âResearching the Eighthâ in Seven Dooms for Sandpoint, 186–187. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- â âChapter 7: A Pattern of Killingsâ in Seven Dooms for Sandpoint, 129. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- â âResearching the Eighthâ in Seven Dooms for Sandpoint, 186. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- â âChapter 4: Footprints on the Roofâ in Seven Dooms for Sandpoint, 70. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- â Paizo referred to jabalis as shaitan until the publication of Rage of Elements. See Rage of Elements pg. 3 and Pathfinder Core Preview pg. 2.
- â âChapter 5: Shadows at Midnightâ in Seven Dooms for Sandpoint, 80. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- â âChapter 5: Shadows at Midnightâ in Seven Dooms for Sandpoint, 84. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- â 9.0 9.1 9.2 âResearching the Eighthâ in Seven Dooms for Sandpoint, 187. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- â âChapter 5: Shadows at Midnightâ in Seven Dooms for Sandpoint, 90. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- â âChapter 1: Bones and Ashesâ in Seven Dooms for Sandpoint, 8. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- â âContinuing the Campaignâ in Seven Dooms for Sandpoint, 164. Paizo Inc., 2024 .
- â âChapter 4: Footprints on the Roofâ in Seven Dooms for Sandpoint, 74. Paizo Inc., 2024 .