
From PathfinderWiki


Pathfinder First Edition had more precise mechanical definitions of divine ranks, especially for the ranks of "god" and "demigod", than Second Edition.

In First Edition:

  • In Planar Adventures 70, demigods offered only four domains to their faithful, unlike a full deity, who could offer five.
  • In Planar Adventures 70, demigods' challenge ratings (CR) as creatures ranged from CR 26 to CR 30. In earlier First Edition sources, such as Lords of Chaos 8, demigods' CR were always over 30.
  • Prior to the Wrath of the Righteous Pathfinder Adventure Path, full deities consistently had heralds and demigods typically did not, as an intentional distinction in rank.1
  • In mythic rules, beings with the Divine Source universal path ability available at the 3rd mythic tier could also grant divine magic as a deity regardless of level or CR.

-Oznogon (talk) 17:16, 16 September 2024 (UTC)

If I understand correctly, in mythic rules, a being with the Divine Source ability can grant divine magic at 3rd mythic tier as only a quasi deity, starting with two domains. 6th tier and 9th tier allow a third domain and a fourth domain. --Descriptivist (talk) 08:39, 18 September 2024 (UTC)

In Second Edition:

  • The number of domains are irrelevant to a deity's divine rank.
  • In Gods & Magic 134, gods never have a creature statblock, demigods can have creature statblocks and are of level 26 or higher, and quasi deities are divine entities with creature statblocks and are of level 25 and lower.2

See also the Divine Rank section in GM Core 140, a Remastered source that defines the ranks of god, demigod, and quasi deity in purely non-mechanical terms.

Content on PathfinderWiki that has not yet been updated to reflect mechanical changes across editions or revisions might use outdated terminology, and some divine subjects that lack mechanics might use divine-rank terminology subjectively. The War of Immortals canon event and related fiction and adventures, War of Immortals sourcebook and mythic rules, and Divine Mysteries will also change some deities' ranks and might further change or add to mechanical definitions of divine ranks. -Oznogon (talk) 17:16, 16 September 2024 (UTC)


  1. โ†‘ James Jacobs. (May 4, 2024). Reply to Can demigods have heralds?, Paizo messageboards.
  2. โ†‘ James Jacobs. (June 26, 2023). Reply to more clarification on a god's category, Paizo messageboards.

Unincorporated sources