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Somal Gate

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The location of Growling Skald conflicts between published maps. See Talk:Growling Skald/Conflicts.

The Somal Gate is an Azlanti portal to the moon of Golarion located beneath the Growling Skald, a volcanic ridge in the Mindspin Mountains of western Nirmathas.


The Somal Gate is 100 feet beneath the surface of the Growling Skald. It is a large horizontal portal constructed on an unusually strong stone platform and bridge suspended over a magma pool.1


During the age of the Azlanti Empire, astronomers from that ancient empire constructed several outposts for interacting with the cosmos powered by the Growling Skald's volcanic activity. The Somal Gate is one of these outposts.2

The site has been abandoned for more than 10,000 years but remained intact, with only a tribe of fire giants having ventured near it as of 4712 AR, and the portal remains inactive until its corresponding Somal Stone is exposed to moonlight.2


Paizo published an appendix on the Growling Skald, including a map of the Somal Gate, in The Moonscar.