Tantaerra Loroeva Klazra

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Tantaerra Loroeva Klazra
Tantaerra Loroeva Klazra


Tantaerra Loroeva Klazra is a halfling who was a slave in the Molthuni capital of Canorate, where she served the shopkeeper Argulk Hroalund in his House of Blades demonstrating the shop's throwing knives, sharpening knives, and running errands.1 She escaped in 4713 AR after Hroalund's death.2

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Tantaerra is a protagonist of the Pathfinder Tales novel The Wizard's Mask.

Tantaerra Loroeva Klazra is mentioned in the following works:
WorkThis entity is best represented by this wikipage.ReleaseThe release date or a partial release date.
The Wizard's MaskJune 2013
A Matter of KnivesJune 2013