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Triple-Spire Helm

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Triple-Spire Helm
Triple-Spire Helm
(Magic item)

Aura (1E)
Caster Level (1E)
Slot (1E)
Source: Who Speaks for the Ten, pg(s). 30

The Triple-Spire Helm was a Decemvirate Helm worn for more than 200 years by the halfling graveknight of Norgorber Vahlo Huovar, a member of the Whispering Way who infiltrated the Decemvirate leadership of the Pathfinder Society. The Helm fused with Huovar's graveknight armor and was destroyed alongside Huovar in 4719 AR.123


The Helm was a three-spired helm that covered all of its wearer's face but their lower jaw, and transformed its wearer's form into that of a Taldan man regardless of its wearer's ancestry, gender, or appearance.41


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