
From PathfinderWiki

Lord of Wood;
Custodian of Oak and Ash
Reaper and Pruner
Areas of Concern
Wood, cultivation, forestry, gardening, security
Patiently plant your seeds, plan for orderly beauty, watch over your sproutlings
Abandon your post, neglect your crops, purposely pervert nature
Sanctification (2E)
Domains (2E)
Creation, nature, protection, wood
Alternate: Duty, perfection
Favored Weapon
Symmetrical germinating seed
Sacred Animal
Sacred Colors
Brown, red
The religious symbol, sacred animal, and sacred color for this deity are listed exclusively in the Divine Mysteries Web Supplement. Also detailed on Rage of Elements 195.

Verilorn is one of the elemental lords of the Plane of Wood. Once a free-spirited being, he is now a meticulous and orderly gardener.1

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Verilorn used to be very close to the other elemental lord in his plane, Shumunue, but after the Plane of Wood was attacked and Shumunue was hurt by Ayrzul, Verilorn retreated into isolation in shame. He wishes to reach out to her again but holds back out of fear.1


For additional as-yet unincorporated sources about this subject, see the Meta page.

  1. 1.0 1.1 Logan Bonner, et al. “Wood” in Rage of Elements, 195. Paizo Inc., 2023