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Moaning Diamond

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Moaning Diamond
(Magic item)

Aura (1E)
Caster Level (1E)
Slot (1E)
Hshurha, Duchess of All Winds
Source: Artifacts & Legends, pg(s). 31

The Moaning Diamond is an uncut fist-sized diamond that emits an unearthly moan, and also a powerful major artifact that grants its bearer power over earth and stone as well as the ability to summon an elder earth elemental. It contained the essence of the defeated elemental lord Sairazul,12 tortured for millennia by the howling moan of the Elemental Lord of Air Hshurha3 until Sairazul was released in recent years.4


See also: Elemental lord

The Moaning Diamond was one of four gemstone artifacts created to imprison the good-aligned elemental lords, which were then cast out of the Elemental Planes. The Diamond, which held Sairazul, was the first to be rediscovered.3

The fate of the Moaning Diamond since Sairazul's liberation from it is unknown.


The Diamond can be destroyed only by the combined powers of Hshurha, Kelizandri, and Ymeri, three of the evil elemental lords who imprisoned their good counterparts. The dust must then be disposed of in a place where it could never touch stone, preventing its automatic reconstitution.3

Associated artifacts

There were three other artifacts that entrapped beneficent elemental lords who were defeated by their evil counterparts: the Gasping Pearl, the Garnet Brand, and the Untouchable Opal.312


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