Cawshax, originally Cow Shacks, is an agricultural village in the Swardlands of the Isle of Kortos. It is located south of Potter's Lake at the crossroads of the Merovan Road and the roads connecting to Castinlee and Turpin Rowe, with a locally known but obscure cow path leading directly to the road to Kerrick. Both farmers and herders use the lands around Cawshax, with barley and millet as its crops and cattle as its livestock.1
Cawshax is a collection of agricultural buildings and homes built around the crossroads.1 A 7-mile-long logging road connects Cawshax to Turpin Rowe.2
Cawshax is overseen by Hanley Casterog, a law enforcer who also serves as mayor.1
Cawshax's farmers grow their crops south and east of the village and maintain healthy relations with its herders.1 Hostels in town are known for having excellent frog recipes, particularly for frog legs and stews sourced from giggers of nearby Potter's Lake.3
- â 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 âSwardlands Gazetteerâ in Life's Long Shadows, 58–59. Paizo Inc., 2020 .
- â âLife's Long Shadowsâ in Life's Long Shadows, 40. Paizo Inc., 2020 .
- â âSwardlands Gazetteerâ in Life's Long Shadows, 60. Paizo Inc., 2020 .