Chicome coatl

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Chicome coatl
A chicome coatl.

Warm badlands or ruins
Source: Borne by the Sun's Grace, pg(s). 82

Chicome coatls are powerful but gentle coatls1 who restore nature in lands that have been cleansed of evil.2


A chicome coatl resembles a winged serpent with verdant green or brown wing feathers, and crimson head and crest feathers. Its wings exude showers of dew and pollen. It is typically 40 feet long with a wingspan of 30 feet, and weighs 5,500 pounds. Chicome coatls can also take the form of animals, vermin, dragons, or magical beasts.2


Chicome coatls are solitary creatures and only show up in lands that have recently suffered great devastation and then been cleansed of evil, which they deem worthy of restoration; the exact rubrics for such worthy lands are unknown. Employing druidic magic to purge residual poisons and pathogens and plant the seeds of new lives, the chicome coatl restores the balance of nature in the land. If necessary, it also coaxes animals from elsewhere to populate the restored environment.2


Chicome coatls frequently survey their habitat to determine whether they are still needed or not, and search for those that can continue their stewardship: typically an awakened animal, or sometimes a resident of a nearby settlement. Such individuals, known as Children of the Chicome, learn druidic magic from the chicome coatl, and will be reincarnated by the chicome coatl when they die, typically as the animal they most identified with in life.2


Chicome coatls usually serve nature-oriented or life-related deities like Erastil or Cihua Coatl, or empyreal lords like Valani or Cernunnos; some are dedicated to the primordial forces of nature. Some even worship non-good deities like Feronia or Gozreh, but never those who concern themselves with spreading civilisation or destroying nature, like Abadar.2


  1. Paizo referred to coatls as couatls until the publication of Monster Core.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Carlos Cabrera, et al. “Bestiary” in Borne by the Sun's Grace, 82–83. Paizo Inc., 2019

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