The huge and ferocious froghemoth is an extremely dangerous marshland predator.1
A froghemoth vaguely resembles a huge, bipedal frog with four powerful tentacles where its front legs should be. Its three eyes are set on top of a single stalk, which allows it to see in all directions at once. Its long tongue can "taste" the air much like a snake can. Its mouth is full of sharp teeth. Froghemoths are about 22 feet tall, and they weigh 16,000 pounds.1
Habitat and society
Froghemoths are almost invariably encountered singly. It is not known how, or even if, they mate.[citation needed]
They are ambush predators. A froghemoth will conceal its huge bulk by lying submerged in the marsh with only its eye stalk above water, and grabs any prey that comes within reach with its tongue or one of its tentacles. A froghemoth can hunt dinosaurs, and even dragons, in this fashion.1
Froghemoths often seem to kill out of irritation rather than a need for food. The beasts seem to constantly be in a bad mood.

The froghemoth attempts to grab its prey. It will crush the life out of larger victims using its tentacles. Smaller prey will be swallowed whole.1
For some unknown reason, froghemoths take no damage from electrical attacks; such attacks instead briefly make them sluggish.1
On Golarion
Some sages speculate that the froghemoth is not native to Golarion. A froghemoth can sometimes be found travelling far from the marshland, as if instinct is forcing it on a futile quest to find its true world.1
One of the most infamous froghemoths is the (fortunately now deceased) Beast of Bloodcove.2
Froghemoths can also be found in Deep Tolguth, in the Darklands realm of Orv.3
- â 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 âMonsters A to Zâ in Bestiary, 136. Paizo Inc., 2009 .
- â âChapter 5: The Worldâ in Campaign Setting, 203. Paizo Inc., 2008 .
- â âOrvâ in Into the Darklands, 47. Paizo Inc., 2008 .